“Good morning!” a cheery
voice greeted me as I awakened. Who are you, I asked? “I’m your
guardian angel, of course”. But you said I’d never hear your
voice again, I retorted. “I wanted to give you one last chance, in
case you’ve changed your mind”. But that would make you a liar, I
said. I hate lies and want nothing to do with liars. “Do you really
want to give it all up”, he asked, “all the hidden information,
the prestige? I’m ready to finish writing the book now.”
It was true that I hated liars.
Although I had skillfully woven lies of my own to cover up
my secret sins, I’d convinced myself that these were necessary to
avoid hurting someone. But how I hated it when
others lied!. In spiritual matters there was
certainly no place for lies or half-truths; too much was riding on
it. 'The Christ/Wotan' was either the creator of the universe or
a liar; and if a liar, one from the pit of Hell, a devil, maybe Satan
himself. He admitted as much the previous day. “I no longer want to hear your voice, or any other, as you
promised last night. I want you to leave me and not return”; I gave
my final word, got out of bed, and went about my day.
But that night I woke up yelling
from a most disturbing dream. I witnessed a campfire with numerous
devils dancing around it, each with large erections; I awoke with a
painful erection myself, and the voices had returned. There were no
cheerful voices now, just threats and scolding. Since I’d rejected
them, their course was clear; they wanted to kill me and my family as
well. Their voices were loud, shrieking and profane. I tried to fall
back asleep, although I feared I’d have the same dream again. The
only course of action I could think of was to put a Christian song in
my head, but I hadn’t learned any in church yet since in my few
appearances I would purposely arrive late to avoid hearing the praise music! Then
I remembered a gospel song that was a number one hit when I worked at
Mays Department Store in the 60’s, “Oh Happy Day”. I didn’t
know all the words, but I sang what I did know over and over to
myself, trying to drown out the demonic choir. I hadn’t a clue
about what “He washed my sins away” actually signified, but this
tactic worked and I was able to sleep after awhile.
In the morning I phoned the
church for an appointment with the pastor, telling the secretary that
it was an emergency, while the demons continued their threats warning
me against doing so. I arrived early, although Pastor Green was about
twenty minutes late, twenty of the longest minutes of my life. As I
sat in one of the new, comfy chairs in the church lobby, the voices
vowed retribution if I spoke to the pastor. They said to leave while
I still could or we would all die, even my baby daughter. Finally,
Andy Green arrived and told me not to worry; he’d seen this type of
thing before. A few years earlier, Green said, he’d removed visible
demons from a possessed man, calling them out by name as Jesus had
instructed. This man was now an elder in his church. Nothing so
elaborate transpired in my case; but after explaining G-d’s plan of
salvation to me, we prayed together and the voices ceased.
The only thing that remained was
the spot on my head that tingled when the demons wanted to speak to
me. This, too, disappeared when I answered the altar call the
following Sunday at church. Small-town Ashland, Oregon, population 20,000 or
so, was then and still remains a major center of every sort of occult
activity, but in those days a mini-revival was taking place at the
Ashland branch of the Calvary Chapel church. Week after week,
anywhere from a handful to twenty or thirty souls would receive new
life there. Trembling, with tears streaming down my cheeks, I
received Jesus Christ as my Savior, G-d’s gift of forgiveness of
sins and eternal life. Diana also recommitted her life to Christ and
we were baptized in the creek that ran through the church property.
We began attending every Sunday and Wednesday and reading the Bible
If you’ve been a Christian for
a very long time, especially growing up in a believing home, you may
not remember what it was like to read the New Testament for the first
time. For me, and pardon the sixties vernacular, it was positively
mind-blowing! Here was the missing Scripture that Jews are forbidden
to read, the story of Jesus, the famous John 3:16, the
prognostications of eschatology, the deceptions of demons, the
origins of expressions used in modern language such as 'the
eleventh hour' and 'house built on clay, the depiction of sin,
and how we are all sinners but G-d loves us anyway. I also read the
entire Old Testament for the first time, noting all the appearances
of the Angel of the Lord, and how He could do things reserved only
for G-d, the precise predictions of the coming of Messiah in Daniel,
the teasing in Proverbs 30 that says G-d has a son, the curious
Messianic wording of Isaiah predicting a Savior that was a
description of Jesus. Not only were the two Testaments complimentary,
but both completely Jewish. Even the church at its inception was made
up of Jews. It all fit so perfectly and was convincing in its own
right, but I felt something deeper in my soul that just confirmed to
me that it was all true. I sighed with relief at knowing that my
search had come to an end. Here were the answers to all my questions;
there was only to study it and to obey it.
Of course, my sister was one of
the first to hear that I was 'born again', and she gave me my
first Bible. She even accompanied me to church the first couple of
times, although she no longer believed as she once did. When I
complained that her gift had been taken from a motel room, she went
out and bought me a brand new one. Better to begin my relationship
with the Lord having a Bible whose legal ownership was not in
dispute, I reasoned. The final time she was with me in church, I felt
that something the pastor said had made her uneasy. He was, as many
preachers do, using Old Testament stories as illustrations, and in
the process perhaps denigrated the Pharisees more than was necessary.
I stuck with this pastor for the long run, and he turned out to be a
man who loves Israel and the Jews, and not afraid to teach Romans 9,
10 & 11, where Paul declares that Israel has a bright future and
that Jews have not been forgotten by G-d.
Having spent the past twenty plus years as a believer in the deepest Diaspora of Oregon, I’d
recommend that pastors be a little more sensitive when teaching
Jewish history, especially those with radio ministries. Who knows
whether a Jew might be more open to the Gospel if simple Hebrew words
were only pronounced correctly, or the Pharisees were not equated
with demons. “Some of us are just like the Pharisees”, Pastor
Green taught, “being religious instead of just loving the L-rd”.
In truth, the Pharisees were the observant ones of their day, but G-d
had not opened most of their eyes to see who Jesus was. Causing the
spiritually blind to 'see' is still G-d’s prerogative.
Before the voices in my head had
ceased, one had told me to destroy the book I’d written. Whether
this was the voice of a demon or an angel was a source of confusion
to me at the time. Either way it seemed like a good idea and I
destroyed all of my notebooks with automatic writing in them. I also
threw away my library of new age/occult/metaphysical books as well as
literature I was selling in the store that I now felt was contrary to
truth, including a couple of garbage sacks full of Maximum Rock &
Roll magazines. I threw away all crystals I’d used for occult
purposes. I kept one large beautiful specimen that I’d never
involved in any ritual, reasoning that after all it was merely a
mineral created by G-d, but it disappeared anyway. I donated my
non-occult Jewish books to the local synagogue library, and I
returned all the rap, heavy metal, new age and punk rock tapes to the
distributors. Anything else in the store with skulls or blood on it,
Metallica t-shirts for example, was similarly purged. In fact, our
mail order t-shirt business was discontinued entirely. It wasn’t
much of a music store after that and sales plummeted. I told my
pastor that I was scared that I’d have to close the store; he said
that it was possible that was G-d’s will. But perhaps He’d honor
my gesture and bless the business. Only time would tell, but either
way he assured me that G-d would continue to feed and clothe my
We devoted half the store to
greeting cards and other paper items, keeping the other half music.
We also began carrying Bibles and other Christian items. The name of
the store was changed to Loveletters from my wife’s name Diana’s. Some referred to the shop as ‘dirty Diana’s’,
and this was no longer accurate. I sent a letter to my pastor telling
him of these changes; he decided to read it out loud to the
congregation, who erupted in applause. One of the flock came into the
store to admit that she had been praying for quite some time that we
would close up and leave town. She admitted that it had never
occurred to her to pray for our salvation, never imagining that as a
likely possibility.
The next few years were very
difficult for us financially. While we attempted to stop selling
music entirely, it still accounted for the majority of the sales.
There were some people in this liberal town, who as 'true' liberals were accepting and supportive of our decision, even if they
didn’t understand it or agree. I made no secret of my new-found
faith. At the suggestion of
one new Christian friend who had done the same thing, I began
handing out testimonies to let folks know what had happened to us,
but also to warn them of the dangers of the 'new age'. I printed
them on 8 x 11” sheets and posted them around town, and also
inserted them inside used CD’s. As you can imagine, not everyone
was pleased with this. One delivery truck driver reprinted and
distributed only the front of the sheet, where it detailed all of my
past sinful behavior, and began distributing these to warn people
about me. The other side of the sheet dealt with my repentance and
salvation, which the driver ignored.
I changed the format of the flyer
after that and over the years have distributed close to 2000 of them.
In most cases I am totally unaware of any reaction that people might
have to reading it. Once, a teacher critiqued it for sentence
construction and proper grammar, ignoring its spiritual content, and
stuck it under my door. Another time, a college professor told me
that any good psychologist could have removed the voices I was
hearing, with no need to resort to religion. Many residents and
visitors to Ashland are Jewish, and as I make no secret of being a
Christian, it is also evident that I am Jewish by well-placed
business cards, rows of Jewish CD’s and a pushke
(charity box) for Israel. I had a warm conversation with a Jewish
customer one day, perhaps for a half-hour, about the famous comedian
Mickey Katz. When he left, however, he grabbed one of my testimonies
that are displayed on the outside of the building. Ten minutes later
he returned, warning me that he was going to do everything in his
power to destroy my business!
A Jew that comes to believe in
Jesus, or Yeshua in Hebrew as his disciples called Him, is a
a traitor, literally 'one deserving of extinction'. This term
goes back to the days of the early church, firstly to the Roman
massacre of 70 A.D. which the Messianic Jews avoided by safely
leaving Jerusalem as Jesus had warned them to, and secondly to the
Bar Kochba revolt sixty-odd years later. Messianic Jews were fighting
alongside their compatriots until Rabbi Akiva declared the commander
of the Jewish army, Bar Kochba, to be the Messiah. At this point, the
believing Jews, recognizing only Yeshua to be Messiah stopped
fighting. Typically in modern Jewish households, if a son or daughter
becomes a meshumad, he will be disowned and the family will sit
shiva, because
their child has died.
A few weeks after my own conversion, I wrote a letter to my father explaining what had
happened to me, along with some xeroxes to 'prove' that Jesus was
mentioned in the Talmud, and actually existed. I also signed him up
to receive mail from Jews for Jesus, along with numerous other Jewish
relatives and friends. Although my dad was not miraculously saved by
these efforts (he is over 90 and prayer is still ongoing for this), he did
not disown me, but told me that he loves me unconditionally. However,
he said that of all the crazy things I’ve done in my life, this was
the worst.
I began listening to Christian
radio, or rather continued listening, but now more seriously. I’d
started tuning in to programs such as The Bible Answer Man and Point
of View with Marlin Maddox, back when my 'guide' had first
declared me to be Christian, but I hadn’t a clue about that yet. I
remember a pastor I’d met, who knew the extent of my sinful
lifestyle, saying “isn’t grace wonderful?” I just gave him a
blank stare, smiled and nodded. I hadn’t heard that term, grace,
before other than in a Velvet Underground song. Although I was still
firmly in the left wing camp politically in those days, as a New
Yorker I could still appreciate the wise-guy attitude of those radio
programs, the smug superiority of the hosts, and the incessant
arguing and even name calling if a caller disagreed with them. After
getting saved, however, I tuned in to non-political teachers such as
Charles Stanley and J. Vernon McGee. Christian radio had once passed
for sheer entertainment but had now become a source of nuggets of
On one program I heard about a
young new-age leader, Randall Baer that had written a channeled book
about the use of crystals, but had later become 'born again' and was
attempting to stop Warner from reprinting his best-seller, Windows
of Light. He’d written a new book denouncing the New Age
Movement, Inside The New Age Nightmare, and had begun to speak
about his conversion at churches. But his car had suspiciously run
off the road and he died before the completed book had even been
published. I shuddered when I heard this; would this also be my fate
if I 'ratted out' the demons that I had channeled? After my story
appeared in a local Christian newspaper, I got a call from a pastor
asking me to speak at his church. I turned him down. To my surprise,
however, my own pastor called me up to the podium one Sunday and had
me give my testimony in front of the assembly.
Suddenly I was being introduced
to other people who were dabbling with 'angels'. A young woman at
church told me that she, too, had an entity that spoke with her, but
claimed hers was a true angel. I told her to test everything it said
by comparing it to Scripture. She didn’t return to that church.
Another young lady was brought to me at work that could see spirits.
She told me that I hadn’t gotten rid of mine at all; she could see
one sitting on my shoulder as we spoke! She was becoming a Christian
but did not want to get rid of her 'guide', who always told the
truth and never behaved untowardly. She’d found acceptance in the
Orthodox faith, I believe, who did not require her to shed her 'friend'. But as for my 'guide', she claimed that it was a
demon all right, of a most mischievous type.
I had seen a demon a couple of
times myself, walking up or down the stairs at my apartment. They
were about four feet tall and creepy looking, as you might imagine an
alien might be. Demonic dreams never seemed to cease entirely,
especially if I fell asleep without praying. I’d either dream about
being in a familiar, creepy haunted house, or I’d dream that I was
still channeling. Typically I’d quote a line of Scripture to the
dream ‘spirits’ and I’d wake up. Once, I woke up, having fallen
asleep on the couch, and saw three demons moving slowly towards me,
with one in front of the other two that appeared to be in charge. I
commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. The leader said,
“Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?”, at which point
I started screaming and they disappeared. I stopped lying down on
that couch after that. I reported these goings on to that church
elder whose demons had previously been exorcised by Pastor
Green. He told me that he and his wife still had occasional demonic
dreams years after being saved, but they just laughed about it. “They
want you back”, he said, “but don’t worry about it; they have
no power to harm you. You belong to the King”.
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